Digitalisation and Bimodal IT: VGR Case Study

Find out how Västra Götalandsregionen accelerates digitisation in parallel with traditional system integration and management.

VGR Swedwise Systemintegration Kundfall

Today’s integration projects contain many levels of complexity. They include the need for development and innovation while placing high demands on uptime and stability. One such project is the modernisation of Västra Götalandsregionen’s (VGR) “Future Health Information Environment”. 

Västra Götalandsregionen employs 55,000 staff and is responsible for Healthcare, Culture, Public Transport, Growth and Sustainable Development in Västra Götaland. In addition to technical challenges, which include the containerisation of components, new monitoring  tools, and the conversion to API-driven integration, Swedwise contributed to strategic and organisational work that will enable VGR to embrace Bimodal IT.

Why Bimodal IT?

Gartner defines bimodal as the practice of managing two separate coherent modes of IT delivery, one focused on stability and the other on agility. In this definition, the first mode (the traditional or plan-based approach) is sequential, emphasising predictability and accuracy when problems are well understood. Whereas the second, more agile mode is more exploratory, aimed at solving new problems.

Bimodal is the practice of managing two separate but coherent styles of work.

These benefits are particularly appealing for large public sector organisations for where digital transformation is the means to achieve innovation while ensuring the lights are kept on: The adoption of Bimodal IT can go a long way to ensuring organisational change with a faster adoption and utilisation of new technology, while ensuring the reliability, scalability, performance and the dependability of existing information flows.

Download Customer case VGR here (Swedish)

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Whether you are a public or private organisation, our certified consultants in systems integration, APIs and EDI are dedicated to creating complete security, reliability and control of your information processes. If you would like to find out more, please contact Henrik Mörner Sales, Swedwise, Tel: +46 72 211 63 56 or

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