Swedwise is part of the Storskogen Group.
As a participant in the United Nations Global Compact, Storskogen Group AB and its subsidiaries (”Storskogen”) supports the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work as well as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Storskogen strives to adhere to the principles outlined in these standards and has based Storskogen Business Partner Code of Conduct (the ”Code”) on these.
Storskogen expects Business Partners to support the principles of UN Global Compact and act under the Code, and at a minimum, requires that all Business Partners comply with applicable laws and regulations within the geographies where they operate and be open and cooperative with the regulators enforcing such laws. In instances where expectations outlined in the Code differ from local laws, Business Partners must follow these expectations within the bounds of applicable local laws.
The long-term ambition and expectations on suppliers to Storskogen is that suppliers shall work systematically with sustainability in their operations and in the supply chain to comply with Global Compacts 10 principles. This means that suppliers are expected to have routines for identifying and managing risks related to human rights, labour rights, environment, and anti-corruption.
Any questions regarding the interpretation of this Business Partner Code of Conduct or Storskogen’s approach to sustainability in our supply chains in general can be raised to code@storskogen.com
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