Our highly-adaptable team can help you build better microservices applications for enterprise and cloud applications.
The microservice architectural style breaks your applications into small services that each perform one business function and can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. Yet, if not managed properly, microservices can create disorganisation and a lack of governance. Poor Integration with legacy systems can for example create technical debt and more operational costs for your IT team.
Swedwise can help you do microservices the right way – creating a competitive advantage for your organisation with faster innovation.
Swedwise can help you do microservices the right way – creating a competitive advantage for your organisation with faster innovation.
Instead of adopting microservices as a singular approach, Swedwise recommends microservices as a series of overlapping patterns which you can pick and choose to adopt depending on your own situation. There’s no need to adopt every aspect of microservices all at once; it can be adopted in a pragmatic way in a manner that makes sense for you.
Swedwise can help you with a variety of microservices challenges including:
Develop a strategy for gradually changing your monolith to a microservice-based architecture.
Get the right tool and frameworks to develop, test and deploy your application.
Implement and deploy parts of your application network’s functionality.
Together with our integration partners, Swedwise can help you with Microservices adoption, architecture, and implementation. Our highly-adaptable team can help you build better microservices applications for enterprise and cloud applications that are:
Choose market-leading solutions and/or specialised consultants. Enhance your existing investments, future-proof information flows, and optimise your day-to-day operations.