LBC Logistik AB
LBC Logistik AB is a transport-selling company active in the construction, machinery, environment, remote, volume, courier, and removal sectors. Today, 70% of shipping handling and 50% of invoice management are digitised, with companies and customers receiving invoices electronically.
LBC Logistik AB faced several challenges. The focus was increased order volumes, increased demands for efficiency while maintaining the workforce, and the desire to create procedures that improved the working day for employees.
Swedwise helped developed automated information and document flows using vehicle computers and digital interfaces for transport notes and invoicing. This included clearly defined digital flows and processes, assigned to relevant functionality, assignments, specifications, and tools in an intuitive and qualitative way.
“With Swedwise, we get someone who understands our needs, information flows and where we want to be“
– Henrik Gillisson VD, LBC Logistik AB
LBC went from manually handling thousands of orders, shipping bills, and invoices to digital and automated handling with the help of vehicle computers and Swedwise’s solution for efficient document management. This has resulted in LBC Logistics improving administration capacity more satisfied customers, greater volumes, and increased profitability.