Are you ready to evolve from ECM to Content Services?

Do you want to make day-to-day interaction with customers, suppliers, and internal resources easier? With a Content Services Platform, you can bridge info silos, simplify MS Teams collaboration, strengthen security, and make valuable documents ready for reuse and re-purpose.

ECM to content services

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems are evolving. This is being driven by the need for an effective way to find, use, and share information within organisations. Content Services Platforms (CSP’s) are collaborative, process-orientated applications with tighter integration into other lead business systems.

From Content Management to Content Services. What’s the difference?

In terms of document management evolution, where traditional ECM focuses on the capture, storage, and management of content, Content Services takes a service-driven approach to help users access the information they need, when and where they need it, and in a format that’s easy for them to work with.

Document Management Evolution. Enterprise Content Management (ECM) to Content Services.
Starting with Document Management Systems, content possibilities adapted over time with business requirements until ECM was created. Content Services expands on ECM to ensure that unstructured data can be viewed via whichever system is native to the process being followed, the department using it, or the user.

What is a Content Services Platform?

Content Services Platforms are integrated, flexible hubs for business content that is often spread throughout an organisation. In other words, they act as a single-view, information portal. CSP’s are designed to connect seamlessly with key business systems such as Customer Communications Systems, HR, Enterprise Resource Planning solutions, or even simple archives. They allow users to access relevant structured or unstructured data from one place without the need to swap between applications.

CSP single view
With Content Services, users save time and unlock the value of their business information with a single-view approach.

A CSP will still support the expected functions of Document and Records Management, Data Capture, and Workflow Management but will enrich each operation with a broader context, and relevance within the overall process. Documents no longer need to be created in silos while essential related data is stored within another, so processes such as Contract Management can be fully integrated between multiple solutions while a department such as Customer Services can gain quick access to all relevant information through a single application.

Content Services Advantages


Integrated workspaces reduce the need to “jump” between different applications to perform tasks or find information. This can shorten lead times in case management and improve time to response for departments such as Customer Services.

Content Integration

Store Content in multiple systems while still controlling data sprawl.

AI-driven Compliance

Apply AI so non-compliant data is automatically eliminated from repositories. AI also ensures that employees’ sharing of documents in applications like MS Teams follows compliance.


Centrally controlled records management, metadata, search, and version control.

Automated workflows

Reduce manual workload by handling metadata, storage, classification, and lifecycle decisions autonomously.

Why Choose Swedwise for your CSP?

Swedwise brings extensive experience in Content Services and Information Management. We combine leading Content Services platforms with a flexible implementation strategy with extensive integration experience. Standardised integrations for Microsoft Office 365® and MS Teams, SAP®, Salesforce®, and Google, means you can easily control, organise and make information accessible internally and externally.

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OpenText Extended ECM (also known as Content Suite)

Swedwise Content Services Platforms

White paper: Four Ways Content Services Drive a Connected Enterprise

Executive brief: OpenText Extended ECM

CSP Data Sheet

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